The first thing you will want to do after installing cPanel/WHM is to go to the Basic WebHost Manager Setup menu. Here you can configure basic things like:
- contact options: contact email address, ICQ contact number, HipChat Room users to notify, Pushbullet API
- the server IP address options: IPv4/IPv6 addresses (only one address for each) to use to set up shared IPv4/IPv6 virtual hosts, location where new user home directories will be created, default cPanel interface package, if you want to automatically create a cgi-bin script alias for users, style for the Apache logs (combined or common)
- default nameservers you want to use and their IP addresses (from the interface you can configure up to 4 nameservers)
To access the Basic WebHost Manager Setup menu, follow the steps:
- Log in to WHM.
- Go to Server Configuration >> Basic WebHost Manager Setup
- Here modify the options you want and in the end, click the Save Changes button.
The movie tutorial for this KB post: