Check the SSH commands executed by users
If you are giving Shell access to your web hosting users you might want to check what commands they are using. In cPanel, there is a file in the user's home directory that keeps the SSH history. The file is…
If you are giving Shell access to your web hosting users you might want to check what commands they are using. In cPanel, there is a file in the user's home directory that keeps the SSH history. The file is…
This error means that the MySQL/MariaDB server is not able to process the request. You will see in the error_log files entries like: [21-Feb-2020 21:34:00 UTC] PHP Warning: Error while sending QUERY packet. PID=4697 in /home/flighting/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 2030 [21-Feb-2020…
CAA is an IETF standard that controls which certificate authorities (CAs) can issue certificates for your domain. Certificate authorities (CAs) will check first the CAA record for the domain. If the record does not matches the specific values for that…
There are many security guides that recommend protecting your hidden files (.htaccess, .htpasswd etc.) with .htaccess rules. So to protect your hidden files, just add this code snippet to your main site .htaccess file. # Deny access to hidden files…
It's very simple to block access to a directory. We will use in this article some rules for the .htaccess file. Just add the following lines in your .htaccess file: RedirectMatch 403 ^/folder_name/?$ ErrorDocument 403 default The above lines will…
We recommend two tools for testing SSL certificates. 1. SSL Shopper Checker - This is a simple tool and it will list only some values like IP of the site, server type, certificate issuer, certificate expiration etc. If everything…