Sometimes, it can be useful to remove accounts not pointing to a specific server. Anyway, notice that even if a domain does not point the server, that particular account might be still used. IT can be used for example for a backup location via FTP, or as a test account – and the user is changing the A DNS record/nameservers all the time. Before removing an account make sure to have a backup.
To get a lit of A and nameserver records for a cPanel server:
1. Export the list of the domains to the domains.txt file
# cat /etc/localdomains | sort >> domains.txt
2. Download the script that gets A and nameservers records for a list of domains We copy/paste the source code here in case it will no longer be available. Save this as
# Put all the domain names in domains.txt, one per line
# then run in the terminal: bash
# this will print each domain in the terminal as it looks it up
# The result csv will contains the domain, IP & Nameservers in each column
# Give each column the relevant header titles
echo "Domain Name,IP Address,Nameserver,Nameserver,Nameserver,Nameserver,Nameserver" > domains.csv
while read domain
# Get IP address defined in domain's root A-record
ipaddress=`dig $domain +short`
# Get list of all nameservers
ns=`dig ns $domain +short| sort | tr '\n' ','`
# Use the line below to extract any information from whois
# ns=`whois $domain | grep "Name Server" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed 's/ //' | sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/ \n/,/;ta'`
echo "$domain"
# Uncomment the following lines to output the information directly into the terminal
# echo "IP Address: $ipaddress"
# echo "Nameservers: $ns"
# echo " "
# Prints all the values fetched into the CSV file
echo -e "$domain,$ipaddress,$ns" >> domains.csv
# Defines the text file from which to read domain names
done < domains.txt
3. Create the file where the results will be written:
# touch domains.csv
4. Execute the script:
# sh
The domains.csv will have the list of the domains, A record, and nameservers:
Domain Name,IP Address,Nameserver,Nameserver,Nameserver,Nameserver,Nameserver,,,,,,