Setup default web servers in CWP

CentOS WebPanel allow you to select the web servers setup you want to use. You have some options:

Web ServerPorts
==> Apache Only
HTTP: Apache (80)
HTTPS: Apache (443)
Apache: 80,443
==> LiteSpeed Enterprise
HTTP: LiteSpeed (80)
HTTPS: LiteSpeed (443)
LiteSpeed: 80,443
==> Apache & Nginx Reverse Proxy
HTTP: Nginx (80) –> Apache (8181)
HTTPS: Nginx (443) –> Apache (8181)
Nginx: 80,443
Apache: 8181,8443
==> Apache & Varnish Cache & Nginx Reverse Proxy
HTTP: Nginx (80) –> Varnish (82) –> Apache (8181)
HTTPS: Nginx (443) –> Varnish (82) –> Apache (8181)
Nginx: 80,443
Varnish: 82
Apache: 8181,8443
cwp web servers

To select the web server setup in CWP:

  1. Enter CWP with your root account 
  2. Look for Apache Settings->Select WebServers
  3. Select the configuration you want and click the Save & Rebuild Configuration button. You will see the confirmation message: Data Updated. 

LiteSpeed is not free. You can order it from . Prices start at $14.00/month.

The short video tutorial for this article:

Web servers in CWP

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